H/T to Tanner Curl & the Tinklenberg Blog

Elwyn Tinklenberg has offered this challenge to Michele Bachmann:

Dear Representative Bachmann:

Cordially, I would like to invite you to join me for a series of Sixth District public candidate forums this summer and fall.

It is my understanding that you have already added the September forum at the Monticello Chamber of Commerce to your campaign calendar, and I look forward to participating in that event as well.

Several other Chambers of Commerce across the district have also expressed interest in hosting candidate forums, and I hope you will consider their forthcoming invitations. To my knowledge specific dates have not been established, and if certain dates are preferable we will gladly work to accommodate your schedule.

As I’m sure you’ll agree, it is important that we afford voters the opportunity to learn more about our distinct views on the issues they find most important. That is why I propose that these forums have an open format in which voters may ask us questions directly.

Please contact my campaign office at your convenience to discuss arrangements. I look forward to your response and to beginning a thoughtful, productive campaign season.

El Tinklenberg

Given that Bachmann hasn't done any constituent service that is open to the general public, I would be surprised if she would allow ordinary citizens such as myself to ask her questions. However, if she does accept you can be sure that this blog will have some youtubing work. This is an excellent strategic move by Tinklenberg to show that he is not afraid to go toe to toe with Bachmann.


1 Response to "The Tinklenberg Challenge"

  1. Gary Gross On July 2, 2008 at 9:42 PM

    Eric, If you have connections with Mr. Tinklenberg, suggest to him that it be at a place with WiFi so it can be liveblogged, too.

    Don't be surprised you aren't the only YouTuber (Is that a word?) in the audience.