Checking in with the Sherburne Citizen today, there is an LTE asking folks to consider El Tinklenberg for Congress as well as touting House District 16B candidate, Steve Andrews, for election this November.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Letters To The Editor

To the Editor:

I became active again in the DFL following the caucuses this spring. The attendance at these events was unprecedented.

People realize that we need to change course and we cannot rely on our elected officials, or either political party, to accomplish this for us. Change will only happen when new people bring fresh approaches to an election process that has relied heavily on relentless negative advertising to destroy an opponent.

This new approach to campaigning has accounted for much of Barack Obama's appeal.

El Tinklenberg and Steve Andrews are two candidates vying for federal and state legislative positions who seem to get this. They are both moderate and respectful in their approaches.

El faces an extremely polarizing incumbent, Michelle Bachman whose radical agenda drew the attention of Karl Rove who anointed her to bring his scorched earth brand of politics to Central Minnesota. El is cool headed and respectful and unlikely to be baited by attacks.

Tinklenberg, who has been endorsed by both the Blue Dogs in Congress as well as the Independence Party here in Minnesota is racking up the moderate credentials while Michele Bachmann continues to swoon at the feet of the fringes of her own party. While she has technically voted against the majority of her party nearly 8% of the time, it is certainly NOT because she has been voting with the Democratic Party. Apart from a few instances of procedural votes with the Democrats and against the Republicans, Bachmann has chosen to side with the minority even in her own party.
These are but a handful of measures that Bachmann saw fit to vote NO on while the majorities of both her party and the party she reviles voted YES. Instead, she chooses to align herself with the likes of Eagle Forum and Phyllis Schlafly. Her divisive legislative record and relationship with extremists in her own party are proof enough of her lack of concern for anyone other than those with whom she agrees. In fact, this week Bachmann will abandon her constituents to cozy up to her friend Schlafly in Washington DC.

Steve, whose opponents are somewhat less divisive in their approaches, is running an upbeat and issues based campaign as well. Both of these men are decent, thoughtful and moderate candidates in the best traditions of Minnesota politics and they deserve your careful consideration.

Ron Thiessen.

Becker, Mn

I would have to respectfully disagree with Mr. Thiessen that the two opponents facing off against Steve Andrews are less divisive. Andrews, though, is every bit the moderate voice that would fit the area well. Having talked to him on numerous occassions, I can attest to the fact that he is uninterested in talking about the negatives of his opponents but is more inclined to talk about the goals he hopes to achieve in the state legislature. The biggest issue for me is and always has been education and Andrews is head and shoulders above his anti-education opponents:

Fair and adequate funding, early childhood education opportunities, parental involvement, and teachers committed to students all contribute to our prominence in education. Unfunded mandates eat away at school budgets resulting in larger class sizes which have caused us to slip in national rankings. Now more than ever we need political leadership, not partisanship, to help educated students. I will work for Minnesota students to ensure that their educational needs are met so they can reach their potential.


1 Response to "Sherburne Citizen LTE: You Have Two Great Choices In Steve Andrews & El TInklenberg"

  1. Gary Gross On July 6, 2008 at 6:29 PM

    Mr. Andrews will be fortunate to win 30% of the vote this November. Mary Kiffmeyer will win this going away.