11:22 AM | Posted in
Having taught in the public school system for six years, I have been an opponent of judging students based upon one particular test score or judging an entire school system on the test scores of small subsets of students. However, two recent articles merit mention as they demonstrate once again that our public schools are doing their job despite the constant nattering nabobs of negativity that come from the woodwork to chastise our every move and demand privatized education.

The first data, test scores coming out this past week showing that kids in the state are improving toward the arbitrary goals of NCLB.

The 2008 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, which the state made public this morning, show slight statewide gains in a number of grade levels in reading and math.

The second data, an audit showing that charter schools touted as the magic bullet for students in apparently failing schools, are doing no better than their public school counterparts at educating children. In fact, they are posting below average test scores:

Minnesota's charter schools need more oversight and post poorer test scores than their regular district school brethren,

While I am not opposed to the existence of charter schools or private schools, it needs to be constantly said that these schools are no more a magic bullet to educating children than public schools are a magic bullet. However, the one thing that public schools provide that these others do not is a guarantee to ALL citizens that they will have the opportunity to be educated. A for profit education system as touted by extremists such as Edwatch would simply leave an increasing number of children out in the cold with no hope for improvement.


2 responses to "Public Schools Looking Better All The Time..."

  1. eric zaetsch On July 2, 2008 at 11:48 AM

    Those two together in the same hall. Talking about their issues and positions of conscience. The total sincerity of such an event staggers my imagination.

    Biggest problem I see with the two of them in the hall together, after the event, cleaning up the oil slick.

  2. Anonymous On July 2, 2008 at 5:06 PM

    Different note, still waiting for survey monkey poll on Ciresi.