8:37 PM | Posted in
I got an email from the Bachmann Campaign today requesting my help and the help of all my friends:

Dear Friend:

What are you doing Saturday, April 5th?

I would love to have you join me at the 6th District Nominating Convention in Blaine this Saturday.

Please help us start off on the right foot by joining me this Saturday:

WHEN: Saturday, April 5, 2008
8:00 am

WHERE: National Sports Center
1700 105th Avenue, NE
Blaine MN 55449

RSVP to: volunteer@michelebachmann.com
And let me know you can be there!

I could also use your help preparing for the convention. If you have any pictures from the convention in 2006, please email them to me at volunteer@michelebachmann.com .

Thanks so much for your help. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday!


Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

P.S. Even if you can't make it this Saturday, we've got plenty of work to do to prepare for a strong campaign operation. Please email my office if you can come down to our Woodbury Headquarters to make some phone calls to rally our volunteer base or help with data entry.

Well gosh, Michele, since you ask so nicely I (and my trusty camera) just may have to pay a visit. If you are interested in joining me to "help" Michele at the 6th District GOP Convention, let me know. However, you need to keep it on the down low so that the Republicans don't know we are coming...

By the way, does anyone else find it mildly ironic that Michele "No Earmark" Bachmann would appear at a convention in a building partially paid for using EARMARKS?

Cross Posted on Dump Bachmann