Michele Bachmann displayed her hateful nature on Hardball with Chris Matthews by claiming that both Michelle Obama and Barack Obama are "anti-American" due to the thoroughly debunked claim of William Ayers. She took it a step further by connecting liberals to "anti-Americanism" and suggesting that an in depth investigation should be conducted to discover who in Congress is "anti-American".

This is the result of an ongoing effort by many on the far right to demonize anyone with whom they disagree. I call on all conservatives to denounce this hateful rhetoric and to demand an apology from Michele Bachmann for sowing the seeds of hate.

Further, I put in a call to the Bachmann for Congress office ((651) 735-7512) and spoke with a young lady about these comments. She danced around the issue and finally took down my name and address. I encourage everyone to call her office and politely, I repeat POLITELY, ask if they too would be considered anti-American. Finally, you can help defeat this hatred by contributing to her opponent, Elwyn Tinklenberg.