8:57 PM | Posted in ,
H/T Big E at MnBlue:

The Big E has an excellent post up about the race in the 6th District and Bob Olson as the only true progressive in this race.

I have always been impressed with how MN-06 candidate Bob Olson sees politics holistically. For example, he sees the connection between the Iraq War, global warming, renewable energy, the deficit and the lousy economy. He believes that we need to get out of Iraq and make a statement that we need to stop our dependence upon foreign oil. He talks about the US spending $1.3 billion on foreign oil. We're spending $2.2 billion per week on occupying Iraq. Bob says we need to spend $30 billion per year on implementing creating a sustainable energy economy. Thirty Bs is nothing compared to these vast amounts we're currently spending. We can address global warming, our dependence on foreign oil while at the same time stimulate the economy and solving global warming.

Sounds great, right? Its also pragmatic.

Haven't Blue Man and I been saying this ALL ALONG?

And the money quote...

I personally think that a strong progressive providing an alternative to cuckoo-crazy, fool-for-Jesus right wing Republican can do well.
