10:38 PM | Posted in ,
While some have covered the smack down (check it out here and here and here) Michele Bachmann gave to John McCain, global warming, and florescent light bulbs, there seems to be more to this story that has not been covered. A loyal reader (who is apparently set to take an epic ride on his hog with another member of the Communist coalition in 16B) pointed out that some of the resolutions offered by the Republican Party in 16B are quite interesting.

The Party Resolutions

In the power of fear category we have several resolutions to protect us from the oncoming hordes:

Cut all social programs for undocumented aliens

Strengthen and enforce illegal immigration laws, eliminate sanctuary cities, withhold state and federal aid and impose criminal penalties on government officials practicing sanctuary city policies, deter illegal entry by expanding the zero tolerance prosecution policy, control visa overstays, support adding a border fence, $10,000 penalty for a first offense of knowingly hiring an illegal alien, double thereafter

Create an enforceable employer verification system to check the legal status of employees

Require a fingerprint encoded identification card for all legal aliens.

With regard to law enforcement: form immigration enforcement effective partnerships with state and local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws. Evaluate non-citizen prisoners so illegal aliens may be deported at the end of their sentence. End the policy which allows illegal aliens to be released on bail while they await their initial court appearance. Expand the National Crime Information Center's immigration violators file to include aliens against whom a final order of removal has been issued, aliens who have signed voluntary departure agreements, aliens who have overstayed their authorized period of stay and aliens whose visas have been revoked

Deny federal funds to any entity that undermines federal law by assisting illegal aliens in any way and close financial loopholes that allow illegal immigrants to open US based bank accounts

Improve the legal immigration process. Replace the current visa lottery and chain migration with a merit-based system. Remove the pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.

In the we want more nuclear reactors in our backyard category:

Remove the moratorium on nuclear power plants in Minnesota

But the best was yet to come when I noticed this resolution:

With regard to family law, fair treatment of both parties of abuse cases

Gosh, I could never even venture a guess as to where this resolution originated! Certainly there is no one in 16B who feels as though he was unjustly convicted of abuse. What might this person mean by fair treatment? Would this resolution have been made if this person had won his case and been vindicated? It is curious that he would use the words fair treatment after getting into an argument with an autistic child over a game of monopoly. Oh to have been a fly on the wall when discussion of this resolution came up.