4:32 PM | Posted in
With the recent news that Bob Olson will remain in the race for the 6th District DFL endorsement, I have decided to post the entirety of the debate held at Anoka City Hall on March 16th.

Those who read this blog already know my feelings on this race and therefore I left out all commentary that I may or may not have about each video and only posted the question being answered. I encourage both sides to use the comments section of each posted video to discuss the merits or demerits of the answer.

Olson/Tinklenberg Debate Guide:
Cross Posted on Dump Bachmann


1 Response to "Olson/Tinklenberg Debate"

  1. eric zaetsch On March 25, 2008 at 8:32 AM

    As a voter in the District: Thanks.

    It's a public service for you to have done this.

    It had to involve a lot of work.

    It is helpful.

    It is what blogging can become, if it is only recognized as a means to bypass mainstream media inattention to local detail.

    Posting the video segments helps voters and helps blogging.

    It is appreciated. Others may not comment, but may value the effort.