9:02 PM | Posted in ,
For those of you believing that the name Michele Bachmann has been irreparably damaged, I give you hope. That hope is in the form of Swiss singer Michele Bachmann. From those of us here in the 6th District and across the state of Minnesota, thank you! Thank you for allowing us to imagine a world where the mention of the name Michele Bachmann offers hope and happiness to the world. Thank you for restoring the karmic balance of your namesake.

And Ms. Bachmann, if you would ever be inclined to immigrate to Minnesota, we have a congressional seat ready and waiting for you. Our Michele Bachmann doesn't really use it, so somebody ought to get some use out of it.

I encourage everyone to show their support for singer/songwriter Michele Bachmann by checking out her band web site and perhaps even purchasing an album. This could be our new cathartic way of redeeming the name Michele Bachmann.

Cross Posted on Dump Bachmann
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1 Response to "Redeeming The Name Michele Bachmann..."

  1. Anonymous On February 18, 2008 at 8:05 PM

    You think if we wrote her, we'd actually get a message back?

    Maybe it was this Michele Bachmann that was so wrong on Iran?