From his post:
I just called Bob Olson’s office to find out what they specifically thought scape-goated “an entire class of people.” Christopher Truscott said that bringing up the English only drivers license test was playing politics. I reminded him that that isn’t the same as scape-goating. Here’s the definition for scape-goat:
a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.
If Olson’s campaign thinks that that’s a politically motivated statement, then that’s what they should say. For them to say that she tried scape-goating people with that statement is over the top. Mr. Truscott said that there was a hint of politicking to the statement, which I rebutted by saying that it’s a political issue that couldn’t be extricated from a political context.
Frankly, this statement was all about tying Rep. Bachmann with Mr. O’Reilly on immigration. It’s obvious that Olson’s campaign wants to cast Mr. O’Reilly as a big, bad boogeyman & Rep. Bachmann as his lackey.
Over the top? By the very definition provided by Mr. Gross, we see clearly that Bachmann has scapegoated any and all immigrants who haven't yet learned to speak English as not deserving of a drivers license and somehow the cause of these types of accidents. Seems as though scapegoating non-English speaking immigrants (even legal ones) is precisely what Michele Bachmann was doing.
This part of the post struck me as the most interesting:
The sad part is that a vast majority of people agree with Mr. O’Reilly’s & Rep. Bachmann’s position on immigration.

Cross Posted on Dump Bachmann
4 responses to "Nope, Not Politicizing Anything Here..."
Oh Goodie! More stuff that my team can use against Bob Olson in Cold Spring, Princeton, and other smaller towns that have to deal with the problem of illegal immigrants.
Let me make a suggestion to you, from one Cloudian to another: The spin ain't working, the people know it, and you all make my life easier.
It won't be Wetterling vs. Bachmann this time. Michelle has much more of a chance to actually win with a wider margin, precisely due to what Bob Olson is doing.
Of course, I'd expect something like this from a teacher at North or South Junior Highs...
So you're supporting a guy who was eating salmon, sauteed spinach, yellow potatoes and bread pudding while Olson was fighting right wing fear mongering?
Elwyn's lobbying past will haunt him if he were endorsed.
Olson's not losing this election, people who bury their heads in the sand ignoring the glaring flaws of their anointed candidate will lose this election.
Over the top? By the very definition provided by Mr. Gross, we see clearly that Bachmann has scapegoated any and all immigrants who haven't yet learned to speak English as not deserving of a drivers license and somehow the cause of these types of accidents. Seems as though scapegoating non-English speaking immigrants (even legal ones) is precisely what Michele Bachmann was doing.Michele didn't scapegoat anyone, much less an entire group of people.
As for getting a quick response, that's what happens when you actively pursue news.
GG: As for getting a quick response, that's what happens when you actively pursue news.
Gary, actually many reporters try to contact Michele Bachmann, and she disses them - Eric Black among them. When Karl Bremer did the Farm Subsidy story for Eric Black Inc, he contacted Bachmann's Office for comment multiple time, but they never got back to him. So while you are to be commended for attempting to get a comment from Bachmann's office, her office selectively responds.