10:46 PM | Posted in ,
H/T to Avidor on this one:

Apparently, one of Mark Olson's favorite books is on the topic of marriage and the other is about satan.

'Marriage Makeover' by George Kenworthy is described by Amazon as:

Book Description
Do you find yourself in a troubled marriage? Do you dare to believe God's word and trust in His spirit? Refurbish your relationship into a thriving marriage by applying God's principles. God understands that it's hard, let him save your marriage.

'Bait of Satan' by John Bevere is described by one Amazon reviewer as:

If you read this book, you need to be very careful and should also read other books on spiritual abuse. This book is very close to being cultish, this is my strong warning. Be alert if your church leader requests you read this book without also recommending others, as this book could easily be used to justify spiritual abuse.

His basic point is that taking offense is the bait of satan to lure you to do wrong things. There is some truth in this, one's offended ego can be used to try to justify sin. But there is also great danger in this teaching, in that it seems to teach that if one is EVER offended, it is your fault. For example, this book teaches that if I am offended by this book, (and I am) then it is my fault and I need to repent.

Jesus got offended sometimes and we should also. One reason I am offended by this book is that it can easily be used to "guilt" people who have done nothing wrong.

Does that mean that Mrs. Olson was at fault for being offended at being pushed around? Are we all at fault for being offended by the actions of Mr. Olson? Was an apology on the floor of the Minnesota House of Representatives even necessary given that our offense was our own fault? Perhaps if Mr. Olson wouldn't have taken the 'Bait of Satan' he wouldn't have needed a 'Marriage Makeover'.

So many questions, so few answers...