5:27 PM | Posted in ,
Today on the floor of the Minnesota House of Representatives, Mark Olson rose to offer a psuedo apology for having brought disgrace upon the legislature. Unfortunately, we have heard an apology before and that was followed by months of delay and a subsequent defense that made his wife out to be the abuser in the family. While this apology is laudable, a more apologetic gesture might have been a gracious exit from the legislature and a defense that didn't try to absolve him of all responsibility. Even today, his apology was riddled with language that can only be construed as avoiding responsibility.

You take full responsibility for "your part"? If that isn't double talk for continuing to blame your wife, I don't know what is! The only way, sir, that we will bring honor back to the legislature is by taking you out of it. Be you Republican or Democrat in District 16B, there must be a recognition that this man does not deserve a seat in the legislature.

I apologize in advance for the Flip 4 Mac advertisement plastered across the video. I haven't decided whether to purchase the software or not.