While much attention has been given to the impact LGA cuts will have on public safety, libraries, and other high profile city services, little has been said about the nonprofit and charitable organizations that will lose funding from cities.
The St. Cloud Times reports today that, because of LGA cuts, the city will have to reduce its funding for the Boys and Girls Club, the St. Cloud Symphony, the Downtown Council and its arts grant program, and the Municipal Band. Also, because the city’s recreation program will take a $400,000 cut—the largest of any program area—the city will be unable to offer as many scholarships to low-income families for participating in summer recreation programs.
These reductions may sound like “fluff”, but a vibrant, culturally rich city can more successfully attract new residents and retain current residents than a city with little to offer. Thankfully, St. Cloud’s budgeting efforts will prevent layoffs for permanent full-time employees, which should always be a priority. But the fact still remains that LGA cuts are forcing cities to substantially alter the services they provide and weaken the strength of their communities. If you are interested in protecting the programs that make your community strong, contact your legislators and the governor, and tell them to protect LGA.
I Heard It On The NARN
1 hour ago