2:49 PM | Posted in ,
In her most recent rant about the Department of Homeland Security Report on Right Wing Extremism, Michele Bachmann made this statement:

this is a statement of President Obama during last year's election campaign that got remarkably little attention in the media, but he suggested the creation of a Federal police force comparable to the size of the military. And he made that statement, I believe, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. And so the question that we need to ask is, why would you need such an organization? [Emphasis Mine]

While this statement is crazy enough as a stand alone misinterpretation of what President Obama actually said, it also appears that it is almost a word for word reading from this article:

All this activity takes on a more sinister aspect against the background of one of the statements of Barack Obama during last year’s election campaign that got remarkably little attention in the media. He suggested the creation of a federal police force, comparable in size to the military.

Why such an organization? [Emphasis Mine]

You gotta love a little plagiarism... (Video Forthcoming)