11:05 AM | Posted in
Chris Truscott sent some questions off to the folks over at Draft Ciresi to get some answers to this ongoing mystery. As I have stated before (here, here, and here), I am still cautiously skeptical about this movement. It is not that I wouldn't like to see Mike Ciresi as the candidate to depose Norm Coleman but at this point in the process it seems counter productive.

Here are his questions:

1.) Your site was born this week. Why didn't you launch Draft Ciresi before the DFL state convention? It would seem like pre-convention would've been a good time to build up some momentum.

2.) Why publish anonymously? I routinely criticize Al Franken's campaign under my own name and I've worked for—and collected checks from—other DFL candidates in the past. In my mind, any party that would black-ball dissenters is one I don't want to belong to.

3.) Is anyone on the Draft Ciresi team a former paid staffer or high-level volunteer for the Ciresi campaign?

4.) Would anyone on the Draft Ciresi team vote against Al Franken (for Norm Coleman or Jesse Ventura/Dean Barkley)?

5.) Why Mike Ciresi? His campaign didn't generate a lot of heat during the endorsement race. How can he win a primary? He's 0-for-1 on that front already.

6.) Has any member of your team been in contact with Mike Ciresi since he dropped out of the endorsement race?

7.) Anything else people should know about your group?

I completely agree with Truscott that a pre-convention draft movement would have made the most sense and when I suggested such a movement that is precisely what I meant.

The thing that disturbs me most about the anonymity is that they are not even willing to reveal themselves to other DFLers. I remain anonymous but am more than willing to sign my name to private emails.

You can go read their response in its entirety over at Chris Truscott. Also, I am continuing to collect responses to a survey about this race and if you haven't yet taken that survey you do that here (Click Here to take survey). If I can get enough responses it may give us some answers about the effectiveness of a Ciresi re-entry.


1 Response to "Draft Ciresi: Truscott Q&A"

  1. Anonymous On June 16, 2008 at 8:43 PM

    Like I've, what does it matter whose behind Draft Ciresi, do you disagree with anything they've said so far?