4:44 PM | Posted in , ,
With the DFL Convention fast approaching and Al Franken being beaten down from both the left and right of the political spectrum, one has to wonder if this isn't the perfect opportunity for a Draft Ciresi movement.

While some see Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer as the alternative to Franken, I have yet to fully embrace his candidacy for a variety of reasons. Chief amongst those reasons is that he could very well be more liberal than myself and the pragmatist deep inside me wonders if he could compete against the faux moderate in Norm Coleman. Don't get me wrong, Nelson-Pallmeyer has a wonderful story to tell and he never ceases to inspire with his stump speech but I cannot help but believe that his message will not play well in Northern Minnesota and onto the Range.

Mike Ciresi offers a third path in this United States Senate race. In all of my analysis of this three way contest, I have found Ciresi and Nelson-Pallmeyer to be excellent candidates on the issues progressives care most about. The difference is, though, that Ciresi provides a much more mainstream progressivism than that of Nelson-Pallmeyer.

I stand by my previous statements that a Franken candidacy will lead me to cast a vote for someone outside of the Democratic Party but urge the delegates attending the state convention to rethink this endorsement and draft Ciresi so that it doesn't come to that.

Cross Posted on St. Cloud Times


6 responses to "Is It Time To Draft Mike Ciresi?"

  1. Charley Underwood On May 31, 2008 at 12:03 AM

    Mike Ciresi is a nice guy and would make a good senator, but he isn't getting back into the race. First, is an honorable man, and he promised often and publicly that he wouldn't run against the endorsement. Second, he is a very smart and practical man, and he recognized fairly quickly that he was lagging far behind Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer in state delegate strength.

    Muse, it sounds like your heart is really for Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, that he inspires you and that you sort of feel like Jack knows more than the other guys. Yet your "pragmatist" side wonders if Jack could appeal to voters in northern MN and on the Range.

    You underestimate these good Minnesotans, Muse. They know honesty and courage when they see it. These voters will like Jack just as much as you do. Follow your heart here. As it turns out, that's a very "pragmatic" metric in politics.

  2. Anonymous On June 1, 2008 at 6:52 PM

    I supported MC and would take him again, but at this point anything is better than Franken.

    I have a lot of respect for JNP, but think he's too far to the left of a left-of-center electorate. Would've been a great congressman for CD-5...

    It's disappointing that we're in this position because the talent pool in Minnesota DFL politics is deep. Just look at the potential gubernatorial candidates for 2010.

  3. Anonymous On June 1, 2008 at 9:09 PM

    If Minnesota could elect Paul Wellstone, it can elect Jack Nelson Pallmeyer to Wellstone's seat.

    This country needs him.

  4. Anonymous On June 2, 2008 at 1:09 PM

    We need Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer to represent our State and to be a catalyst in Washington for real change. He is not the second choice candidate he is the better choice candidate. I too think of myself a pragmatist, and I believe that JNP speaks truth to power. Isn't that what we as grassroots activists have been looking for, someone that tells the truth and when sent to Washinton will speak and represent the truth?

    My vote this Saturday will be for JNP...........all the way.

  5. Anonymous On June 3, 2008 at 1:17 PM

    JNP may be liberal, but not in the divisive way some liberals come off. he is much more inspirational and hopeful and if there was any point in Minnesota statewide elections he could win, now is the time! I don't doubt he would be able to wipe the floor with Coleman. Just imagine those two in a debate on foreign policy issues!

  6. Anonymous On June 7, 2008 at 4:51 PM

    Mike Ciresi is the only candidate with the experience, intelligence and widespread appeal to defeat Norm Coleman. Franken can never win with what the Republicans have on him and Jack is too left for Minnesotans to elect. Ciresi is the candidate who is progressive but also appeals to Moderate conservatives and independents because of his realistic approach and lack of angry hatred.