4:50 PM | Posted in
The Uptake has a video up of Steve Sarvi, DFL candidate in the 2nd Congressional District:

While I have spent virtually no time covering Sarvi or the 2nd District, Blue Man was able to sit down with Sergeant Sarvi.

Sarvi has the unique distinction of having been both a Commissioned Officer ( a tanker), and as a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer.

Sarvi served his country in both Kosovo and Iraq. The experiences gained during a deployment are unique qualifiers for public office; problem solving skills, dealing with language barriers, young Infantrymen with problems back home, etc.

Whether we as Democrats want to believe it or not, Sarvi has a tough road ahead of him and will need all the help he can get. If you are so inclined, I would encourage you to send a few bucks his way so that he can be competitive against John Kline.

Cross Posted on St. Cloud Times