8:06 PM | Posted in
Nothing warms the heart and inspires one to action more than an impassioned speech. A speech should stop you in your tracks and literally lock you into a listening position. For those few, that have the ability to use their voice in such a manner, I have the deepest of admiration. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of those figures.

"I Have A Dream"

"The Mountaintop"

We have an obligation, as Dr. King laid out in his "I Have A Dream" speech, to continually strive for the ideals of the Declaration of Independence. For it is more than a founding document but rather a road map to what this country can and should become. A country where ALL men and women are created equal and where we ALL have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There have been immense strides toward that ideal in the two generations since Dr. King walked this Earth but there is still work to be done and we should always be looking back for the inspiration he provided.


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