12:06 AM | Posted in , ,
Bob Olson has been having a fantastic week while Elwyn Tinklenberg has been slow to respond to the latest out of touch statements made by Michele Bachmann. First, he was quick to respond to the statements with a forceful rebuke and even seconded that rebuke with a demand for an apology. Yesterday, he appeared on The Mark Heaney Show and showed perfectly clear why he is the candidate we need to take the fight to Bachmann and her "screw the middle class" agenda.

As the controversy has been slow to die for Bachmann, it has been an opportunity for the Olson campaign to gain more exposure and show the people of the 6th District that he will be quick to respond rather than allow these comments to pass with little notice. His efforts have drawn the attention of mnpACT:

Candidate Olson seems to understand that Minnesotans, who are part of the "workingest" class, are the ones that are handling his job interview. They are the ones who will decide whether Ms. Bachmann gets to continue to work for THEM. And they could very well decide that its time for the "President kisser" to be given an opportunity to hold down a few other jobs of her own.

Ms. Bachmann seems to have adapted to the Washington lifestyle a little too quickly. Working people are just part of the landscape.. they get her to her office, they shuffle her papers, they deliver her groceries, they print her Bibles, and they sell her those black dresses. They are not to be noticed....

Bob Olson gets it. Bachmann doesn't. But where's Elwyn Tinklenberg? I couldn't find any response from him. How would he weigh in? Last time I checked his website, he had no less than 20 different Union endorsements listed. If he truly represents their views, how could he allow Bachmann's swipe at the rank and file go unchallenged?

So, when working families in the 6th District ask, "Who will represent me?"

Bob Olson votes aye.
Michele Bachmann votes nay.
Elwyn Tinklenberg votes "absent".

Here is the unedited interview with pictures added by my self:

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