Tonight I had the pleasure of attending the 6th District Education Minnesota candidate interview representing my school district. While there was one glaring absence as Michele Bachmann chose to not even respond to the requests of the interviewing committee, there were three candidates (Elwyn Tinklenberg, Bob Olson, and John Brockberg) gracious enough to come and speak with us. In my conversation with the Education Minnesota higher ups it was interesting to note that even John Kline had been willing to meet with them and discuss issues. Its nice to see that Kline is brave enough and has class enough to sit down with those he disagrees. Unfortunately, we in the 6th District have representation that is only willing to speak with those constituents that agree with her every word.

The end result of the evening was an endorsement. That endorsement must now be ratified by the Education Minnesota Executive Committee before it becomes public knowledge. While I was prepared to release the results of this meeting and a thorough analysis of the interviewing candidates, we were asked to remain silent until things have been finalized. I am going to respect the wishes of this committee and withhold discussing the endorsement until either the endorsement has been announced or someone else leaks the information.


2 responses to "Education Minnesota 6th District Endorsement"

  1. Anonymous On January 10, 2008 at 3:04 PM

    Muse - As a representative of public education in Minnesota, you have to remember never to split an infinitive! Bachmann "chose to not even respond"? Yikes! How about if she chose not even to respond instead? Just funning. It will be exciting to see the endorsement and information behind it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Political Muse On January 10, 2008 at 4:35 PM

    Anon: Thanks for the correction! :)

    Yes, being a representative of public education, I should have caught that one. However, being a representative of the human race, I am also subject to fallibility. I guess that will have to be my mistake for the year. I probably shouldn't have used it up so early! ;)