10:54 PM | Posted in ,
In what may be dubbed the "workingest" misstatement of this relatively young year, Michele Bachmann was once again lambasted for her statements in a letter to the editor in the St. Cloud Times. To gauge just how far and wide these comments have spread one need only check out the blog feed from Open Congress.

From The St. Cloud Times:

Letter: Bachmann doesn't really understand Minnesotans
By Kristian Twombly, St. Cloud

Published: January 23. 2008 12:30AM

Recently, Rep. Michele Bachmann joined Virginia Republican Eric Cantor in support of the "Middle Class Job Protection Act." Rather than providing any relief for the middle class, this bill merely provides businesses with a 28 percent tax reduction.

Bachmann, in her infinite wisdom, had this to say about us: "I am so proud to be from the state of Minnesota. We're the workingest state in the country, and the reason why we are, we have more people that are working longer hours, we have people that are working two jobs."

Cantor's plan, intended to create jobs, is supported by Bachmann even though she states that we work longer and have two jobs already. Clearly what we need is a third job, at least according to her logic!

The 6th District continues to be poorly served by Bachmann and it is past time for us to elect a representative who will actually help our district, who understands who Minnesotans really are.

Apparently, the conservative minions on Story Chat are unable to defend Bachmann so have resorted to turning threads into attack someone completely unrelated to the letter threads:

count from countyline
Comment Posted: 1/23/2008 9:24:22 AM

Michele Bachmann has convictions.

I doubt she would vote --"present"---on issues of abortion.

Too bad Obama doesn't have convictions when he voted in the Illinois Senate.

Simon Sez from Northside
Comment Posted: 1/23/2008 9:31:15 AM

Simon Sez, what I find funny is how Barack Hussein Obama is basically daring Sick Willie to tell the truth ! Barack Hussein Obama claims he has been against the Iraq war from the begining. And yet there are plenty of clips to say he has not been.

He plainly said the republicans had all the good ideas in the 90s. Its out there for all to hear. Yet Barack Hussein Obama calls Sick Willie a liar. If Sick Willie calls Barack Hussein Obama a liar blacks will brand sick Willie and Hillary the anti-christ as racists.

Great gig. If you can get it.

Simon Sez from Northside
Comment Posted: 1/23/2008 10:16:31 AM

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