Senator Tarryl Clark has created a youtube page and will be providing legislative updates via this account. In her first update she addresses the recent idea she and Representative Haws and Hosch put forward to combine three counties into one large county.

Also, in Tarryl Clark news, there is an LTE in the St. Cloud Times where she discusses the reasons behind this idea to combine counties and create what she calls borderless government.

From the St. Cloud Times:

We hope this proposal to establish a unified county in Central Minnesota will start the renewed discussion. The discussion should raise a wide variety of thoughts and ideas.

As a start, we offer three questions to be answered by all of us.

1. Will a unified county in Central Minnesota be more efficient and effective for most households?

2. Will a unified county improve our business climate and help create jobs if employers only have to meet one system of standards, procedures, and regulations rather than three?

3. Will a unified county provide more accessible and consistent services for veterans, seniors, and families?

It is an interesting concept and is sure to bring resistance from those comfortable with the norm. However, in these economic times it is nice to see that my representation in the state legislature is willing to look at any and all ideas for improving government and saving money.