I know as a liberal I am supposed to be a soldier in the imaginary "War" on Christmas, but I am enjoying the holiday up in the far north of Minnesota with family. A few stories have slipped my grasp as I vacation in this frozen wasteland but never fear, my colleagues at Dump Bachmann and Blue Man in a Red District have it covered if you are trying to stay in the know about Bob Olson, Elwyn Tinklenberg, and our very own Michele Bachmann.
Over at Dump Bachmann:
*It appears Bachmann is on another one of her propaganda missions and surprise surprise, she sees nothing but blue skies ahead.
Over at Blue Man:
*Check him out for all of your Bob Olson vs. Elwyn Tinklenberg news.
I will try to get in some stories throughout the week but the kids and their grandparents have quite the agenda for the week so I may be run ragged. I leave you with some of my favorite Christmas music to help us in our battle to save Christmas from those darned secular progressives: