10:16 PM | Posted in
The week from hell is nearly over (A hint to all you new teachers out there: Don't have a big project due close to a conference date!) and I will be back to a regularly updated blog posting schedule some time this weekend. Just to keep you interested, here are some of the upcoming items I will be covering:

*How crazy is edwatch? The Bachmann/Quist connection!

*More Joe Biden updates. Why can't he gain momentum?

*The Gottwalt/Severson Forum. Or, to be more accurate, the Gottwalt/Severson "watch while Marty Seifert does most of the talking" Forum. I have some video of this one!

Random Question: Does anyone else find it disconcerting that every year we allow a strange man in a red suit to sneak into our homes and leave unmarked packages for our children? Has anyone checked the visa status of this guy?

If there is a "War" on Christmas, why hasn't anyone invaded the North Pole?


1 Response to "Just To Keep You Interested..."

  1. Gary Gross On December 14, 2007 at 8:41 AM

    Does anyone else find it disconcerting that every year we allow a strange man in a red suit to sneak into our homes and leave unmarked packages for our children? Has anyone checked the visa status of this guy?

    I checked with the State Department. I'm told that that strange man has dual citizenship.

    Besides, he's never applied for any government programs so he hasn't cost the US Government anything.