10:54 PM | Posted in ,
No, not THAT West Wing! I am not entirely certain that even the Republicans would like an endorsement from this West Wing. The West Wing I speak of is the television series and the endorsement I speak of is that of Richard Schiff (Toby Ziegler).

On a quick side note, I just picked up another season of this series while I was on Christmas break. If only our President and his advisors behaved in the same manner as those on this fantastic fictional series. I believe a Biden Administration has similar potential to inspire with his knowledge and pragmatic approach to problem solving. Hopefully, given that I get significant traffic from folks searching for Biden news, my opinions will in some way change a mind or two and have an affect on this election season (and again, I expect nothing less for my efforts than a cabinet level post or an ambassadorship if anyone in the Biden campaign is listening).

From the Des Moines Register:

Biden just makes sense, 'West Wing' actor says

Biden was introduced by actor Richard Schiff, who played White House press secretary Toby Ziegler in the NBC series "The West Wing." Schiff will travel with Biden in Iowa through today.

The actor echoed the frustrations of a second-tier candidate - a lack of media attention.

"I don't care what CNN says, I don't care what Fox News says, or the New York Times," Schiff said. "There's one candidate who makes sense, who's going to take over the office, can take action and doesn't have to spend two or three years learning how to be president," he said.

In other news, Biden put out another campaign video:
