11:14 AM | Posted in
In the hustle and bustle of politics it is important to stop and reflect on what is truly important in our lives, family and friends. While our friendship exists primarily through email and a desire to bring progressive politics to a relatively conservative area, I consider Hal Kimball a close friend.

His father passed this week after a long bout with lung cancer...

Please keep Hal and his family in your prayers and consider visiting his blog to offer your kind words of sympathy as he deals with the loss. Stay strong, Hal, and know that we are all thinking of you.


1 Response to "Our Sympathies To Blue Man, STAY STRONG..."

  1. Gary Gross On September 19, 2008 at 6:34 PM

    It's times like this that politics comes in a distant 2nd place. Let Hal know that he & his family are in my prayers.