6:46 PM | Posted in , ,
Politics in America has become a game in which the sides are encouraged not to work together and to scoff at everything your opponent has to say. We now have labels such as DINO and RINO to describe those egregious characters who dare stray from the party line. Unfortunately, this leads to a situation in which nothing gets done and no problems are solved. Talking heads on both sides come out declaring that we must not abandon our core principles for the sake of "compromise". I don't buy this argument given the fact that even the founders of this country (for whom we all have so much reverence) chose to bend their principles and compromise over and over again so that this nation might live. Beyond compromise, I would say that politicians ought to be building bipartisan coalitions. It is nearly impossible for everyone in either the Republican or Democratic Parties to agree 100% of the time with their platform and leadership so I say rather than compromise, they ought to be finding those that agree with them (despite party label) and thereby solve problems without ever giving an inch on principle.

This is precisely what Joe Biden and Sam Brownback have been doing lately. I personally wouldn't vote for Brownback to save my soul, but we appear to agree on one important issue and I am glad he and Biden are showing us the way politics should be.