5:25 PM | Posted in
Be afraid people, BE AFRAID! Andy Barnett is on the warpath again claiming that "the left" is bringing up the "Fairness Doctrine" again. As usual, Andy buys into the claim by the right even though there is NO evidence to show any Democrat has brought up anything concerning the "Fairness Doctrine" in Congress.

Hot Talk Blog:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

How long now before we have yet another attempt to bring up the Fairness Doctrine? It was done earlier this year, and recent headlines about "evil talk show hosts" lead me to believe it won't be long before the Fairness Doctrine is brought up yet again.

If it weren't for the fact that the left is actually serious about wanting government imposed regulations on opinion it would be worth having a good laughing fit over for about five minutes. I mean it's still very funny, but also somewhat sobering because they're actually serious. The left wants to shut down talk radio. They're that afraid of American citizens who entertain, voice opinion, and often times talk a lot more truth than the so called "fair and balanced" news media.

Really Andy? Had you done even a cursory search for legislation you would have found this by typing in Fairness Doctrine:

Listing of 7 bills containing your phrase exactly as entered.

1 . Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2007 (Introduced in Senate)[S.1742.IS]
2 . Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2007 (Introduced in Senate)[S.1748.IS]
3 . Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)[H.R.2905.IH]
4 . Providing for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 2905) to prevent the Federal Communications Commission from repromulgating the fairness doctrine. (Introduced in House)[H.RES.694.IH]
5 . Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2008 (Referred to Senate Committee after being Received from House)[H.R.2829.RFS]
6 . Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2008 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House)[H.R.2829.EH]
7 . Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2008 (Reported in Senate)[H.R.2829.RS]

If you had taken your research even one step further (or done any research for that matter!) you would find that NONE of these bills has to do with reinstating the fairness doctrine and that NO bills have been introduced in the 110th Congress to reinstate the fairness doctrine. Does that make you a liar? In fact, ALL were measures opposing the fairness doctrine sponsored by Republicans. What does it say about the Republican Party when they are trying to strike down an initiative that doesn't even exist and hasn't been proposed?


1 Response to "Andy Barnett: Denounces Republicans For Continuing To Bring Up The Fairness Doctrine!"

  1. Anonymous On October 20, 2008 at 9:54 PM

    This is merely another example of the Republican/right wing SOP of claiming problems and activities are going on when they aren't. It is a continuation of lies being told over and over in the expectation that eventually the idiot voters will believe them. Unfortunately there are enough idiot voters that do believe it to make it scary.