12:18 PM | Posted in ,
Local KNSI 1450 radio host, Andy Barnett, had Ann Coulter on the show Friday (10/12/07). He begins by claiming that Coulter is NOT a controversial figure, despite her vitriol based career of bigoted and most recently anti semitic statements! They continue through to the most recent Coulter controversy in which she claimed that Jews should be "perfected". Andy wholeheartedly agreed with Coulter, downplaying the "perfected" line and preferring a softer line of "conversion". Other highlights included claiming that the one thing Democrats learned from Hitler was not to discriminate, amazingly claiming that "we don't go around outing politicians", and advocating for the repeal of the 19th Amendment.

Some Interview Highlights:

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Also, earlier in the show, Andy was discussing news items about Barack Obama and wished he were dead. You have to wonder if this is what it means to be Pro-Life?



1 Response to "Andy Barnett Agrees: Jews Need To Be "Perfected"!"

  1. Anonymous On October 16, 2007 at 12:45 AM

    I'd venture a guess that the 27 people who listen to his "show" each day agree with him.