9:28 PM | Posted in
Two days ago I reported on a NO vote by Michele Bachmann on a piece of legislation concerning government accountability. While a NO vote from Bachmann is similar to the regularity of sunrise and sunset, of the ebb and flow of tides, and of the seasons, what is less regular is the story uncovered by Eric Black over at Minnesota Monitor. It seems Michele Bachmann, after voting NO, decided to change her vote to YES.

Mr. Speaker, on rollcall vote 937, I was recorded as "nay.'' It was my intention to have voted "yea.'' I would like the RECORD to reflect my support of H.R. 928.
Black posits that the vote was one in a string of mindless votes for the most conservative wing of her party. However, I have different theory! Given that we may never find the real reason for the change of heart (still no word on my email!), I believe that Michele has voted NO so many times on anything even remotely connected to Democrats that her voting finger simply was unable to find or reach the YES button.

Just Imagine:

Michele is about to vote YES on a bill supported by Democrats. In a strange twist of fate she finds that her finger simply cannot hit the YES button and every time she gets close it slips toward the NO button she has cherished so much these past 9 months. She wants to vote YES but her entire existence has been built upon saying NO. Is God (or more importantly, Georgie) speaking through her as he is often prone to do? No, it cannot be God as her every action is approved by the holy spirit and this would be a contradiction that would rip at the very fabric of existence. What to do then? Michele, thinking fast, Michele votes NO as there is no other button her finger is able to touch and time s running out. She then turns to the Speaker in order to verbally change her vote as a way to circumvent the finger that simply will not vote YES! Perhaps, given that Michele now knows a way to get around the constant NO vote, we will see more YES votes. Perhaps not.

Sound Accurate? You be the judge...