Your turn: Local legislators support district's levy
By Sen. Tarryl Clark and Reps. Steve Gottwalt, Larry Hosch and Larry Haws
Published: October 31. 2007 12:30AMWe stand together to support our local levy, and we hope you will, too!
It has been said that a society's soul can be measured by the beliefs and practices of its citizens. A community whose citizens value each other regardless of differing economic, social and ethnic backgrounds is also a community whose schools grasp every opportunity to produce educated, confident students.
Since the days of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, the role of public education has evolved to ensure universal access, equity and opportunity for all students. While the next years will certainly focus on proficiency and accountability within our schools, we cannot lose sight of our fundamental goal to work alongside parents and guardians educating the whole child to produce healthy, capable and participating citizens.
Ninety percent of Minnesota children attend public schools and collectively, our most challenging goal is to teach all students effectively. Our need for additional public funding affects gifted and talented students as much as those at-risk children who face complex problems beyond the educational setting.
The St. Cloud school district's funding dilemma is not much different from its neighbors, who also seek local levy funding on Election Day.
The levy asks for dollars to cover basic costs of hiring additional teachers, providing a half-day option for kindergarten, ensuring athletics and extra-curricular activities, providing transportation to students who live between 1-2 miles from their school, achieving greater fiscal efficiencies and adding improvements in technology.
A $15 annual school tax increase added to current property taxes on a $150,000 home will continue those services the next four years. A "no" vote will require $6 million in cuts starting in 2008.
We seek your help in supporting this local property tax levy as we vow to work hard on public education funding. We pledge continued collaboration and renewed effort as we address funding, achievement and district inequities.
We know that there are higher costs to educate students who are challenged with English proficiency, low socioeconomic status, disabilities, access to technology, regional economic disparities, mobility and other differences.
We are acutely aware of the increasing costs to provide the best education. ... We are also aware that this must be done in close collaboration with parents and guardians as we work toward the ultimate goal of success and achievement for our children in an increasingly competitive global market.
Our local schools need our help and a "yes" vote for the district's operating referendum on Tuesday. We need your support and input as we work to address funding issues of equity, achievement and accountability for all our children.
It is our desire to work toward a long-term funding solution characterized by flexibility, innovation and transparency. Everyone understands our children need to be well educated, but getting there requires working together.
... Join us in voting "yes" for the St. Cloud school district operations referendum!
Sen. Tarryl Clark represents District 15 and is assistant majority leader. Rep. Steve Gottwalt represents District 15A. Rep. Larry Hosch is from District 14B and Rep. Larry Haws is from District 15B.
1 day ago