8:55 AM | Posted in ,
This past Wednesday (10/17/07), Bob Olson introduced himself to some area voters in an attempt to solidify his support to become the 6th District DFL nominee. From health care to education to taxes, Bob Olson explained what makes him the perfect fit to become the nominee and defeat Michele Bachmann in 2008. Obviously, he has already gained my support and I will continue to provide information so that readers might also see fit to support this man so that we can finally have representation in Washington that is reflective of working people rather than reflective of whatever George W. Bush or John Boehner want.

Important to remember:

"Michele Bachmann will get middle class/working class people excited about wedge issues, such as guns, while they are picking their pocket."


1 Response to "Bob Olson Meetup (Ace Bar) Part III"

  1. Gary Gross On October 21, 2007 at 1:42 PM

    You talk about Rep. Bachmann doing "whatever George W. Bush or John Boehner want" even though she's opposed to President Bush's immigration plans & his NCLB education system.

    Why do you think that Bob Olson won't be Pelosi's puppet? It appears as though there isn't a dime's worth of difference between them.