5:00 PM | Posted in ,
Bring on the crazy...

HA HA, that guy called President Obama a prostitute AND a drug addict. Wait, isn't the guy retweeting this the Secretary of the SD15 Republican Party here in Minnesota? Yep, that's him. You stay classy Leo!

I can completely understand disagreeing with the policy decisions made by this President. Are they really evil though? Sorry, I forgot about cash for clunkers. THAT EVIL BASTARD!

Oh, top conservative on twitter, you are totally policy based and about opposing the agenda of President Obama. You are totally NOT about spreading hate...

So, we learned some very valuable lessons today from the top conservatives on twitter. Barack is a prostitute, drug dealing, secret Muslim while Michelle is a whore and a secret Muslim. 

Now keep in mind that these are tweets I have found by simply giving #tcot a passing glance now and then. Otherwise, they are tweets which have been sent to me. What we are learning is that there is very little substance on #tcot and a whole lot of vitriolic uselessness. So, keep them coming...