Yesterday I rolled out a brand new feature here on Liberal in the Land of Conservative seeking out the stupidest, funniest, or down right craziest comments to be found on the #tcot (top conservative on twitter) stream. Remember, if you run across one of these, then simply send me a link or screen shot by email (political.muse.litloc (at)
Without further ado...
Well, I guess he's not QUITE AS BAD as 9/11 so there's that...
Now, lest you think that these are just silly wackos who do not represent parties as a whole I would like to point out that this fine fellow is apparently the Chairman of the American Reform Party.
Now I am not entirely clear how someone can be faithless (perfidious) AND Muslim AND a Godking but somehow that damned GodKing does it!
I love it when conservatives say, "SEE I HAVE A BLACK FRIEND". So there are black conservatives. I would be MORE concerned if there weren't ANY black conservatives.