9:16 AM | Posted in
The world of politics and political belief is filled with variation, strategy, and above all the sense of outrage. What is the sense of outrage? It is the constant shocked feelings that people of ALL political stripes display when their side is raked over the coals in a manner they find offensive or over the top. As a liberal I look out and proclaim my outrage that people such as John Gibson would take the grief of Jon Stewart after 9/11 and mock it not once, but twice with increasing glee each time he did. Where are the conservatives demanding an apology? They are silent! Conservatives look out and proclaim their outrage that MoveOn.org would have the audacity to question the patriotism of General Patraeus. Where are the liberals demanding an apology? They are silent!

Let us take Psymeistr, Leo Pusateri, as an example (partially because he revealed himself as a reader, thanks Leo!).

  • In a recent post, Psycmeistr is "outraged" that a group of self proclaimed communists disrupted a 9/11 observance. Granted, the video clearly states that College Democrats as well as College Republicans support the 9/11 victims. That does not matter for the 'Politics of Outrage'. It is simply because they are on the ideological "left" that Psycmeistr needs to label the whole lot of Democrats as OUTRAGEOUS.
  • Yet, no more than THREE posts later, Psycmeistr displays his latest photoshop sensations. One of them being a large picture of Osama bin Laden with the words "Support My Troops, Vote Democrat". There is no longer outrage, but pride in the writing of Psymeistr at the creation of a poster blanket labeling Democrats as supporters of a mass murderer. The 'Politics of Outrage' dictate that Psycmeistr, and all conservative supporters, will defend these actions as legitimate while heaping on more OUTRAGE that Democrats would do similar things.

Other Examples:

The 'Politics of Outrage' go right to the top where there is a masterful game constantly being played between demanding an apology for THEIR outrageous behavior and defending YOUR outrageous behavior! Ron Carey, Chairman of the Minnesota GOP, recently sent out a press release of outrage over the actions of MoveOn.org due to a recent picture of General Patraeus.

"With their refusal to repudiate MoveOn.org's venomous attack ad against General David Petraeus, Al Franken and Tim Walz again put the interests of the far-left wing fringe above common decency. By not speaking out against this mean-spirited and vicious smear, it's clear that Franken and Walz lack the kind of leadership Minnesotans demand." - Ron Carey, Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman

Yet, when House Minority Leader John Boehner stated that the soldiers we were losing in Iraq were a "small price to pay", the Minnesota GOP remained equally as silent as the Democrats they were so outraged at for the MoveOn poster.

So, what is the point? My point is NOT that Republicans do outrageous things any more than Democrats. My point is NOT that the 'Politics of Outrage' is more used and abused by any one party. I, for one, have been known to add some outrageous (possibly beyond the pail) items and comments here so I cannot say that the actions of these people is any worse than mine.
  • THAT is my point: If you are going to find enjoyment and glee from making posters that depict the other side in some bad form, don't feign outrage when the other side decides to get in on the action. If you are going to be outraged by things like portraying an honorable General as dishonorable you should not be turning around and portraying a vast number of honorable people in a given party as dishonorable. STOP being outraged at the actions of others if you are not prepared to STOP your own outrageous behavior.
    • Don't be outraged at a group of communists for dishonoring the memory of 9/11 when you yourself proudly claim that anyone in America who is a Democrat is part of the army of Osama.
    • Don't be outraged that two Democrats will not speak out forcefully against MoveOn.org when you yourself remain silent about the comments made by your very own leadership.
    • Don't be outraged at a perceived lack of support for our troops from Democrats when you remain remarkably silent about this administrations shoddy treatment of our returning Vets.
    • It cuts both ways as Democrats must stop being outraged that someone like Leo would make them out to be bin Laden supporters when they will not come out and vehemently defend the patriotism of General Patraeus.
The list goes on and on with examples of one side being outraged while the other side is silent. I can't say that I always remain above the 'Politics of Outrage', but perhaps if we can quit calling each other traitors, loonies, fascists, and any number of other names we could come to some real discussions and share some real outrage against whomever brings these unnecessary attacks into the political arena no matter which side they are on.