9:03 PM | Posted in
In a rambling response to my recent analysis of his satire, Leo tries to defend drowning people for information, denies that the "decider" had any responsibility for the war, then becomes selectively outraged at the names Democrats have called Bush. It was quite a rant! You have to wonder why a guy would get so defensive if there weren't any grains of truth in my writing.

Leo Pusateri said... What is so sad is the fact that you pull out the ever-present strawmen from the Kos-Kids like "illegal wiretapping"-- WHERE?

Waterboarding-- Do you have any other non-lethal ideas as far as getting information so that our servicepeople don't get killed..

Do you even understand what a strawman is? How have I misrepresented your position or the position of the President? As of right now a judge has declared the wiretapping program illegal and despite what I'm sure will be your ad Hominem claim that this is some terrible liberal judge, I was always under the impression that when a judge interprets something as illegal that it is illegal. Now, given that her ruling was overturned but the higher court refused to declare whether the program is legal or illegal you would have to honestly say that at the very least this program is highly questionable.

If you can find me a study in which waterboarding is proven to work, I would be interested in reading it. However, every bit of evidence I have been able to find rebukes the use of waterboarding. Psychologically speaking, how could you possibly defend the use of such a technique?

War on faulty intelligence? You mean the same intelligence that Kerry, Clinton etc. were privy to when they voted to give the President the power to go to war; you mean the same intelligence that they were privy to when they saw the need to take out Saddam even before Bush became President? Then they do everything in their power since November of 2005 to undermine the war and try to ensure defeat to garner themselves a political victory. There's patriotism for you.

You're right, there are Democrats equally as culpable for this debacle but we weren't talking about them now were we? I believe the topic of discussion was how amazing George W. Bush is and how he is "gracious". If you want to have a discussion about the inequities of certain Democrats, we can do that, but for now let's stick to the topic at hand. Also, I thought George was the "decider"? Doesn't that make him somewhat at fault? Given that he was the one who wanted to use military force, shouldn't he have been the one to make doubly sure his information was accurate? If it was the Democrats job to prove the case, then Bush really should have stepped down and let them do the job.

Incidentally, the last time I checked, we still had a First Amendment and speaking out against something does not make one unpatriotic!

Unwillingness to compromise? You mean when Bush pretty much let the democrats write the education bill?

Yeah, I know--compromise to the democrats means doing everything their way or no way.

Wait, did you just make the claim that one compromise in seven years proves your point? If that is the best you can do, you may have proven my point for me.

But damn it, Bush was so mean spirited as to call the Democratic party the "Democrat party!" For shame!!!

You're right--that's so much more demeaning and mean than the democrats likening Bush to Hitler, or likening our soldiers to the Nazis or Pol Pot.

Calling you "democrats" is so much more partisan than your side calling Bush a liar for acting on the same intelligence they had. It's so much more mean-spirited than Dhimmi Carter labelling Bush as the "worst president ever" (I'll bet ol' Dhimmi never looks in the mirror, does he?)

Yes, the term "democrat party" is so much more hateful than the niceties that the democrats utilize when describing Bush, isn't it?

Yep. Bush said, "democrat." He should have thought about that.

BTW... let me know when you get an original thought in your head.

Should be amusing, to say the least. November 29, 2007 7:52 PM

Ahh, the Politics of Outrage in action! I hope you didn't bust anything after that tirade. Once again, let us stick to the subject at hand and not ramble into defending your guy by attacking the other guys. We can have a discussion another day about all of the stupid things Democrats have done and said but claiming that your guy is great because the other guys are terrible is silly. Oh, and that ending where you impugn my originality, I love it! Have a happy day Leo!


2 responses to "So Much Anger, So Little Sense!"

  1. Leo Pusateri On November 29, 2007 at 11:31 PM

    I see you're cutting and running from the truth. Typical of your kind.

    The truth is that for every ounce of dust that Bush has slung since his presidency, there has been a thousand pounds of goo slung by your democrat brethren. That was the subject of my post.

    Your lame initial attempt at deflection is just that. Lame. And a Deflection.

    While I am truly flattered by your attention to my blog and my writing, you may wish to consult your mirror every once in a while for a reality check.

    You want to be an arsewhole, go ahead Buddy. I can give it back in spades.

  2. Leo Pusateri On November 29, 2007 at 11:43 PM


    First of all, waterboarding is effective;
    You didn't have a kid in Iraq. You didn't have a dog in the fight. You couldn't give a flying leap about soldiers there and their safety, nor of the success of their mission.

    When it comes to the safety of my kid as he fights for his country and waterboarding some terrorist scumbag--sorry... my son and his comrades come first.

    Secondly, the whole point of my original post was that Bush has not engaged in the mudslinging and denigration of his political foes anywhere near the point of your democrat brethren. You have yet to refute that.

    Good luck refuting that.

    If all you can come up with is the missing "ic" or some other such nonsense, the case is closed.