7:56 PM | Posted in
Back in September, I wrote about the utter hypocrisy displayed by Representative Bachmann by presenting the Clearwater Fire Department with a grant check despite having voted against the very bill that funds that grant. Well, it looks as though the message has not been received and Bachmann is at it again. You would think that someone in her office or someone at the St. Cloud Times (Larry?) would ask her why she is handing out checks from a fund she opposed.

This time in Sauk Rapids:

Latest: Sauk Rapids Fire Department receives grant
By Jane Laskey jlaskey@stcloudtimes.com

Published: November 27. 2007 12:30AM - Last updated: November 27. 2007 2:30PM

SAUK RAPIDS — The Sauk Rapids Fire Department was awarded a $142,500 grant by the Department of Homeland Security. The City of Sauk Rapids will contribute 5 percent, or $7,500, to bring the total funds to $150,000.

The grant will be presented by Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., in a ceremony at the fire department at 5:15 p.m. today.

The fire department is using the funds in an ongoing effort to update its equipment. The grant will allow the department to purchase 30 sets of self-contained breathing apparatuses and 30 spare air tanks. SCBAs provide firefighters with breathable air in hostile environments and include a high-pressure tank, a pressure regulator and a face mask.

Unfortunately, I learned of this event too late to attend the event. Who was invited to this event? How did they get an invitation? I would love to attend an event here in the 6th District in which my Representative is in attendance.

I did send an email to Ms. Laskey wondering if anyone bothered to ask our Representative about this contradiction, so we will see what that produces. You can be certain that within days we will see a shiny photo pasted onto her website touting the presentation of this check. Perhaps alongside the photo she could place her voting record concerning these grants.

Here is my email:

Ms. Laskey,

I just read your piece describing the ceremony at the Sauk Rapids Fire Department with Michele Bachmann. I am curious as to whether anyone asked Michele why she is presenting grant checks that she voted against? Also, how might someone get on a list to be notified of such events involving my Representative?

Thank You,


Cross posted on Dump Bachmann