6:43 PM | Posted in ,
This is a reposting of a story I wrote back in December of 2007. Given that this issue has resurfaced, I feel it necessary to share this story and urge people to tell Twila Brase and her organization to stop being irresponsible...

On December 14th, 2006, my life was blessed a third time with the arrival of my third child. As is the practice of hospitals around Minnesota, she was subjected to a toe poke in which drops of blood are extracted to test for a wide variety of conditions.

Within weeks we received a letter informing us that our precious new bundle had Biotinidase Deficiency. Our hearts dropped as we read an informational pamphlet describing what the deficiency is and what problems it can cause if untreated.

What is Biotinidase Deficiency?

A condition that causes the body to have trouble using biotin, an important vitamin the body needs. Biotin is found in many foods. However, a person with Biotinidase Deficiency needs more biotin than the amount eaten in the normal diet.

What problems can Biotinidase Deficiency cause?

Untreated Biotinidase Deficiency can cause seizures, low muscle tone, hearing loss, eye problems, hair loss, skin rashes, and possibly coma or death.

It was a toe poke which allowed us to quickly identify the problem and take action to treat it. Due to a simple toe poke I can report that this lovely little child is developing nicely with a simple daily dose of biotin. Without a simple toe poke we would most likely be making numerous trips to the doctor as our child exhibited these damaging signs which would have irreversible effects. It is for these reasons that I became so angry to read THIS story in the Star Tribune.

Apparently, this woman named Twila Base is fighting to discontinue the mandatory nature of the toe poke in Minnesota.

I take issue with this statement:

Brase said she's not against newborn testing, but thinks parents should choose whether to do it.

This places parents in a reactionary role in the health of their child rather than the proactive role that every parent should be in the health of their child. Had these proactive tests not been administered or had I refused to have them administered I would now be regretting that decision as I reacted to a variety of symptoms developing in my child. Any parent who would refuse to have a test done to proactively check for treatable conditions in my view is negligent.

Please, email or call Twila (e: info@cchconline.org p: 651.646.8935) and tell her to stop!

Also, please call or email your state legislators to keep this woman from gaining influence over our lawmakers!
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