3:26 PM | Posted in ,
The St. Cloud Times ran an editorial today that praises Michele's vote on a recent Student Aid Bill. Unfortunately, if you dig a little deeper, you find that the author misrepresented herself as the creator of her thoughts when they are clearly copied and pasted from the website of House Minority Leader John Boehner.

From the St. Cloud Times:

Letter: Bachmann is right to oppose student aid bill
By Kate Sorenson, Anoka
Published: July 21. 2007 12:30AM - Last updated: July 21. 2007 12:52AM

Thanks to U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann for standing up to a Democratic proposal that would allow virtually anyone who works for the federal government or a nonprofit organization — including members of Congress and lobbyists — to have their student loans forgiven at taxpayer expense.

What does John Boehner's site say?

"Led by Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), House Republicans today are mobilizing to defeat a Democratic proposal that would allow virtually anyone who works for the federal government or a non-profit organization – including Members of Congress and lobbyists working for non-profit entities – to have their student loans forgiven at the expense of American taxpayers."

Kate's Letter:

This misguided proposal was included in the so-called "student aid" bill brought to the House floor recently. It was a bill that came under fire for creating nine new federal spending programs and for failing students with gimmicks, hidden costs and poorly targeted aid.

What does John Boehner's site say?

"This misguided Democratic proposal is included in the so-called “student aid” bill brought to the floor today by the majority leadership in the House, a bill that has come under fire from House Republicans for creating nine new federal entitlement spending programs."

Kate's Letter:

Democratic leaders last year promised they would work in a bipartisan manner to rein in runaway entitlement spending in Washington if put in charge of Congress, and would limit congressional perks and privileges. Instead, they brought a bill to the floor that creates nine new government programs and allows members of Congress and lobbyists to receive financial benefits at taxpayer expense.

What does John Boehner's site say?

"Democratic leaders last year promised they would work in a bipartisan manner to rein in runaway entitlement spending in Washington if put in charge of Congress, and would seek to limit congressional perks and privileges. Instead, they have brought legislation to the floor that would create nine entirely new entitlement spending programs and allow Members of Congress, lobbyists, and others to receive new financial benefits at taxpayer expense."

What do Bachmann supporters say about this obvious display of intellectual dishonesty?

Len H from St. Cloud
Comment Posted: 7/21/2007 2:48:38 AM

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

olaf flagenwagel

Comment Posted: 7/21/2007 6:42:48 AM

nicely done mr austin. attack the messenger. nevermind what the writer said is true.

the dems passed a bill full of pork and michele voted against it. good!

now, get off your high horse and come up with an original thought of your own.

*Interesting choice of words!

Dennis B
Comment Posted: 7/21/2007 8:48:00 AM

All I we heard about this bill was random increase of eligibilty, (the reason Bachmann opposed it). This is the first I've heard of forgiving student loans. Why weren't we told this in the first go around with Bachmann's veto?

If Kate Sorenson is guilty of plagiarism then we need more of it!

angel carver from among the people
Comment Posted: 7/21/2007 1:29:53 PM

Grandma Carvers always said, "I approve of plagiarism, as long as you can get away with it".

Archie from Coon Rapids
Comment Posted: 7/21/2007 1:41:56 PM

Mr Austin:

Illegal copyright is about the lowest on my list of societial infractions, If people have an IQ as high as a pair of sneakers they immedeiatly recognize who said what, Plagerism is a great tool for attacking "the message"

This site and others are filled with violations of copyright laws, the most abused is the printed media that is walked on every day,

It is not wrong to copy ideals of others that you agree with, only change a sentence structure and you have another original, Like the smoking ban, totally unenforcable.

*As to the content of the Bill, I found the section that Ms. Sorenson (or should I say John Boehner) is referencing and I found no instance where it gives either lobbyists or members of Congress loan forgiveness.



4 responses to "Bachmann Supporters Don't Mind Plagiarism"

  1. Anonymous On July 21, 2007 at 7:25 PM

    Hey MrA, Keep up the good work

    Wren from the woods

  2. Political Muse On July 21, 2007 at 9:00 PM

    Thanks Wren, How did you find me here of all places? :)

  3. Anonymous On July 21, 2007 at 11:42 PM

    Mr A, email me at



  4. Anonymous On October 27, 2007 at 10:14 AM

    It's really a shame I didn't find this before classes resumed. As someone that knows Ms. Sorenson personally, I can honestly say this doesn't surprise me at all. Kate's done this on more than one occasion within our school's College Republicans. Now that she graduated, there's a lot more creativity around these parts. ;) I always found it amusing, I guess. But Kate's really just way "too good" for an original thought.