7:20 PM | Posted in ,
H/T to the Biden Blog on this one:

Minnesota Public Radio has a survey you can take that will use your answers to identify the candidates that hold similar views. I will place a widget of the survey at the bottom of the blog so that you can conveniently take it without navigating to MPR.

How does it work?

From the FAQ:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does Select A Candidate tell me who to vote for?

A: Absolutely not. Its main purpose is to introduce you to the candidates who are running and their positions on the issues.

Q: How did you come up with these questions?

A: The questions mirror the campaign. There might be issues we are interested in that haven't come up in the campaign so far, and those aren't listed here. Should they come up -- and we have a mechanism for your interests to be part of the campaign -- they will be added to Select A Candidate. The choices from each question mirror positions that candidates have stated. If no answer is close to your position, do not answer the question, for there is no candidate with that position.

Q: How does the scoring work?

A: Each candidate gets 1 point for each question that matches your answer. If you indicate that an issue is very important to you, the candidate gets 3 points. If you indicate that the issue is of no importance to you, the candidate gets 0 points. In this way, the "match" is weighted to reflect those issues on which you decide elections.

If you already have a candidate, chances are your choice will be confirmed. If you don't already have a candidate, this can be one way to narrow down the field of candidates you should research further. Either way, let us know who you were matched with in the comment section.