4:21 PM | Posted in ,
When this whole saga began I have to admit I felt bad for Andy Barnett. However, as his attack machine has rolled along over the past couple of days my sympathy has dwindled. From Leo Pusateri, who decided to jump to some pretty massive conclusions and Jeff Johnson, failed State Senate candidate who jumped down the throat of Ms. Langsjoen for her response to the questions it appears that Andy has embarked on a campaign to make himself a "martyr" for the conservative movement.

Andy Barnett will be appearing on Glenn Beck tonight. One has to wonder how thick the martyrdom will get when conservative Glenn Beck gets lob softballs to Andy Barnett about how he was oppressed because of his conservatism.

There are two main problems with the path Barnett seems to be embarking upon:

1. Avidor and Eva Young have done some pretty thorough research on the whole situation and it appears that Ms. Langsjoen denies ever making an official complaint. Even more damaging to the Barnett story is that stationn manager John Sowada sent Eva an email stating that "the candidate did not complain to me". Isn't it amazing how actually speaking to the people involved yields a fuller picture of the story.

2. It is not like this station is some bastion of liberalism that beat down its only conservative host. KNSI1450 is almost strictly conservative talk radio with a lineup that includes Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage. I'm sorry, but any station that is willing to allow the vitriolic rantings of Michael Savage to grace its airwaves is neither a bastion of liberalism nor a station likely to fire an on air personality over questions concerning abortions and gay marriage. There has got to be more to this story than Barnett asking stupid questions on one particular day.

Let us bring back some Barnett Classics:

*Did you hear the disdain in his voice when he talked about his colleagues?

One last thing! It doesn't appear as though Andy is getting much support from his former on air colleagues. They haven't stood up and denounced the actions taken by the station. Are they happy to see him leave?

The most amusing part of this saga is that Andy Barnett, "conservative martyr" and beacon of free speech, doesn't allow comments to be freely posted on his blog. On numerous occasions I have posted comments that are conveniently left out. Perhaps, before you make yourself the martyr of free speech, you should allow that same free speech on your blog?