5:59 PM | Posted in ,
Blue Man over at Build Our Party Blog raises some red flags about the apparent fast tracking of Elwyn Tinklenberg as the 6th District DFL nominee. It is worth the read!

The Best Part:

Bob Olson will appeal to the Klobuchar Republican's in the 6th, those Republican's who voted for Pawlenty and Klobuchar. It's a key demographic that will swing the 6th and a demographic out of reach for Tinklenberg.

Tinklenberg 2.0 appears to be a significant improvement over the 1.0 version. However, apply some mineral spirits to the exterior and the true colors appear once again.

It looks like the same old "good ole boys" network, with backroom deals and flip flopping stances being the status quo.

I'm tired of status quo.

Last night on AM 950, Minnesota Matters was talking about the AFSCME endorsement screening that happened late last night. Mark Heaney only mentioned Elwyn Tinklenberg in is discussion of the 6th.

Thank goodness for Colleen Hogan. Colleen called in and set the record straight, that there is another candidate in the 6th, and the only one viable in the eyes of many.

Bob Olson.

I know some in the 6th will be a bit ticked off that I posted this rant about Elwyn Tinklenberg and his past.

I had hoped that groups that endorse our candidates and others would have properly vetted our candidates.

I got into this blogging business to expose the hypocrisy of the likes of Michele Bachmann but I would rather not trade one establishment candidate for another. This blog supports the rant of Blue Man and hopes that others within the establishment of the party realize that crowning a candidate wholesale before properly examining our options is foolish and doesn't necessarily give us the candidate that can beat Michele Bachmann and offer real representation in the 6th District. Ultimately, isn't that the goal?