H/T to Larry Schumacher at his blog, Political Quarry:

Joanne Dorsher (DFL), candidate for House District 15A against Steve Gottwalt, will be teaming up with Tarryl Clark (DFL) for a discussion about education at Caribou Coffee this Saturday (8 am). I have some things going on this weekend but I am going to make every effort to cover this event.

As I have noted several times before, Steve Gottwalt is far from being a supporter of a strong public education system. All Dorsher need do is show up at the Capitol in order to become a better friend of education. I would encourage everyone to go and judge Dorsher for themselves.

Let's just hope that Dorsher doesn't treat potential constituents with the same contempt that Gottwalt and his friends in the blogosphere have in the past:


1 Response to "Joanne Dorsher & Tarryl Clark Team Up For Education"

  1. Gary Gross On July 28, 2008 at 11:20 PM

    As I have noted several times before, Steve Gottwalt is far from being a supporter of a strong public education system.

    You're basing this on the fact that he would've rather voted for Gov. Pawlenty's 4%/4% increase instead of the DFL's 2%/1% increase?

    Or are you basing it off of the fact that Rep. Gottwalt thinks we should prioritize education rather than automatically increasing spending?

    Or perhaps it's because Rep. Gottwalt was an advocate for the St. Cloud & Rocori levies last year?

    Or is it just based on political animosity?